Engineering Services
Diagnose, Design, Build, Service
The high quality of products and services as well as the trust of customers are based on an individual approach of ZM Ropczyce Group to each project, combined with a fast decision-making path enabling immediate reaction in crisis and unpredictable situations.
We provide:
Diagnosis of needs and recommendations in the field of refractory lining technology in furnaces and customer installations;
research and design analyses, as well as technical and economic analyses;
Technical advice and inspiration of development activities;
Completion of delivery logistics;
supervision and performance of maintenance and repairs of refractory linings in thermal equipment;
monitoring of work and consumption of products;
maintenance of databases on refractory materials used;
analysis of the costs of consumption of ceramic materials in individual thermal devices;
storage and maintenance of necessary stocks of ceramic materials and other materials necessary for proper operation;
warranty and post-warranty services;

Zakłady Magnezytowe "ROPCZYCE" is a Trusted Supplier which solves problems and takes responsibility for implemented product and technological solutions.