The implementation by the management of diverse and challenging tasks is made possible by the adoption of appropriate selection criteria for new staff, including professional qualifications, professionalism and conduct, openness to innovation and focusing on achieving results in the workplace. We monitor our employees, in order to select the most efficient staff. Our personnel policy is carried out in order to achieve highly set goals in the current market conditions. We strive to integrate our staff to achieve the best results and building an image of the company as strong, modern, and ready at all times to meet the expectations of their customers.

We attach importance to the intellectual and professional development of our employees. Through specialized training they are able to constantly upgrade their skills. One of the ongoing training programs is foreign language learning. We help our employees to improve themselves with higher education and doctoral studies, thanks to which we obtain staff with high level qualifications relevant to the profile of our business.

Diversity and openness are hard-wired into the personnel policy pursued in Zakład Magnezytowych „ROPCZYCE” S.A., these rules are intended to contribute to the elimination of the phenomenon of discrimination in the workplace and to build an organizational culture open to employee diversity.

A policy of equal opportunities for the professional development of each employee is a key element of the strategy pursued by ZMR S.A.

The basic duties of the employer are clearly defined in the Working Rules of Zakład Magnezytowych „Ropczyce” S.A. They stipulate, inter alia, an obligation to prevent discrimination in employment, in particular on the grounds of: sex, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political opinions, trade union membership, ethnic origin, faith, sexual orientation, and also that on the grounds of employment of fixed versus indefinite term or full-time versus part-time work.
These terms and conditions pay particular attention to women, specifying the rules for the protection of their work. They stipulate, inter alia, a prohibition of the employment of women in work harmful to health, a prohibition of termination of employment during pregnancy and maternity leave, and amicable conditions for mothers with children (flexible working time, the ability to change the length of working time).

We recognize the differences between people in our company and we appreciate their uniqueness, therefore we consciously develop a strategy for creating a climate of mutual respect.
Examples of the principles of equal treatment implemented by the company:
– pursuance of gender equality and anti-discrimination policies;
– employment opportunities for disabled persons and persons over the age of 50 years;
– equal access for women to decision-making processes, promotion, salary increases and to management positions;
– the application of a remuneration system which does not in any way discriminate;
– conducting dialogue with workers’ representatives (trade unions);
– conducting regular internal communication with all employees;
– pension schemes, assistance for families of workers in need;
– equal support for local initiatives.

Implementation of the sustainable development policy of the Company is one of the main goals of the management of the Company.
All projects carried out by the Company, including those funded by the European Union, are carried out in accordance with the principles of sustainable development and respect for equal opportunities.
In no area of its activities does the company take actions that might lead to discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, ethnic origin, nationality, beliefs, disability, age, sexual orientation or education.

The use of motivational tools depends on what purpose they serve. Depending on them, we choose the right motivational tools and create an incentive system, the implementation of which is to achieve the stated goal of promote the desired behavior.
We motivate employees with:
bonus system, rewards system, and non-salary, using a number of tools in the following areas: physiological needs, safety, social needs, needs recognition, self-fulfillment needs

We have an effective e-tool in the form of an intranet site, which allows us to synchronize communication between the different departments of our company and to a large extent facilitates the flow of content. The information contained on the intranet site cover areas such as, among others, news, workers’ issues, document templates, IT assistance.


As part of the celebration of the Metallurgical Holiday, employees of ROPCZYCE Capital Group meet at a family picnic. This is an excellent opportunity to express gratitude for reliable work. Selected employees are rewarded for outstanding commitment. Each meeting is enriched with numerous attractions, including sports games, contests and fun for kids and adults. Thanks to this initiative employees can enjoy spending time with their colleagues. It is also a good opportunity to strengthen the bonds of the group.

Last year’s picnic was held on the theme “Safe work is the key.” Combining business with pleasure, the participants in the meeting expanded their knowledge and practical skills in first aid, health and safety at work and fire protection.


Two times a year we organize an inter-departmental bowling tournament in which nearly 80 people and a large group of cheering people take part. For all those who is at the tournament, it is an excellent form of integration and an opportunity to test their skills.


Within the framework of the Social Fund we carry out the following projects:

  • individual tourist vacation, so-called “Holidays under the pear tree”,
  • recreation for children and youths – summer camps,
  • financial grants, housing loans and benefits in kind for pensioners (former employees of ZMR SA).


In the so-called Senior Day, held every year in our company, there are meetings between management and employees who have retired. For former employees this is a great time to visit their places of work and to meet colleagues. Every year about 200 people take up our invitation. The pleasant atmosphere in these meetings creates a great feeling of sentiment in former employees for the place where they spent much of their lives.



The Company operates a system of safety management and occupational health, in accordance with PN-N -18001:2004

All organizational and legal regulations on health and safety are described in detail in procedures, instructions and regulations.

Following the needs of the market, almost from the beginning, we take care to ensure continuous modernization, which aims to systematically improve working conditions. Great importance both functionally as well as aesthetically is attached to the continual conduction of repairs and maintenance of buildings and spaces. Equipment rooms and workplaces comply with the principles of safety and health at work. In the interests of health and comfort we meet the requirements for lighting (natural and artificial), suitable temperature, air exchange, protection against inclement conditions of heat and sunlight, vibration, and other nuisance factors. Systematic work is carried out aimed at reducing the impact on workers’ health of hazardous factors appearing in the production process. Rooms and hygiene/sanitation equipment are tailored in number and size to suit the number of employees, the technology used and the nature of work and the conditions under which the work is done.

Capital market institutions